Empower your leadership
and achieve workplace harmony.

Transform your ability to navigate uncertainty and become a more resilient leader with Daisy Maniatopoulou.

Empower your leadership
and achieve
workplace harmony.

Transform your ability to navigate uncertainty and become a more resilient leader with Daisy Maniatopoulou.

Empower your leadership
and achieve workplace harmony.

Transform your ability to navigate uncertainty and become a more resilient leader with Daisy Maniatopoulou.

Lead with empathy.
Build collaborative teams.💟

Lead with empathy.
Build collaborative teams.💟

Boost your team's spirit and success with workshops that make leadership easy, teamwork strong, and overcoming obstacles a win for everyone.

Our Services


"Refine leadership, resolve conflicts, and boost team motivation with our engaging 1.5-hour workshops, ideal for executives seeking practical growth strategies."


"Refine leadership, resolve conflicts, and boost team motivation with our engaging 1.5-hour workshops, ideal for executives seeking practical growth strategies."


"Refine leadership, resolve conflicts, and boost team motivation with our engaging 1.5-hour workshops, ideal for executives seeking practical growth strategies."

Group Sessions

"Elevate leadership and teamwork with our series of 4-5 week programs, tailored for executive groups dedicated to achieving sustained growth and improved dynamics."

Group Sessions

"Elevate leadership and teamwork with our series of 4-5 week programs, tailored for executive groups dedicated to achieving sustained growth and improved dynamics."

Group Sessions

"Elevate leadership and teamwork with our series of 4-5 week programs, tailored for executive groups dedicated to achieving sustained growth and improved dynamics."


"Transform your leadership with one-on-one mentorship, offering personalized strategies for CEOs and entrepreneurs aimed at significant personal and business growth."


"Transform your leadership with one-on-one mentorship, offering personalized strategies for CEOs and entrepreneurs aimed at significant personal and business growth."


"Transform your leadership with one-on-one mentorship, offering personalized strategies for CEOs and entrepreneurs aimed at significant personal and business growth."

Our Mission

Together, we aim to boost team cohesion and success, making the process of navigating and overcoming obstacles
simpler and more effective for everyone.🎯

Together, we aim to boost team cohesion and success, making the process of navigating and overcoming obstacles
simpler and more effective for everyone.🎯

Meet Your Psychotherapist

Who is Daisy Maniatopoulou?

Who is
Daisy Maniatopoulou?

From steering Porsche Greece as its CEO to studying psychology, my journey wasn't a straight line. I'm Daisy, and I've sat where you sit – at the head of a busy table, making tough calls day in and day out. When the going got rough, I found unexpected help in group therapy and one-on-one sessions that offered more than just advice – they gave me tools to lead with a clearer head and a steadier hand. Those tough days turned into learning, and that learning turned into a Master's degree in psychology.

Now, I put those lessons to work for leaders like you. Maybe you're feeling the heat, struggling to keep your team together, or just want to lead better. That's where I come in. I've lived it – the high stakes, the hard choices – and I've learned how to come out stronger. Let me share with you the same simple, powerful strategies that helped me, so you can lead with confidence and bring your team closer together, just like I did.

Meet Your Psychotherapist

Who is Daisy Maniatopoulou?

From steering Porsche Greece as its CEO to studying psychology, my journey wasn't a straight line. I'm Daisy, and I've sat where you sit – at the head of a busy table, making tough calls day in and day out. When the going got rough, I found unexpected help in group therapy and one-on-one sessions that offered more than just advice – they gave me tools to lead with a clearer head and a steadier hand. Those tough days turned into learning, and that learning turned into a Master's degree in psychology.

Now, I put those lessons to work for leaders like you. Maybe you're feeling the heat, struggling to keep your team together, or just want to lead better. That's where I come in. I've lived it – the high stakes, the hard choices – and I've learned how to come out stronger. Let me share with you the same simple, powerful strategies that helped me, so you can lead with confidence and bring your team closer together, just like I did.

Featured in

How it works📐

How it works📐

Initial Consultation

Initial Consultation

We discuss your current challenges and aspirations in a Discovery Call.

We discuss your current challenges and aspirations in a Discovery Call.

Tailored Program Development

Tailored Program Development

Together, we create a personalized action plan focusing on emotional intelligence, and empathetic leadership skills. Based on your unique needs, we'll craft a mix of workshops, group sessions, and individual coaching.

Together, we create a personalized action plan focusing on emotional intelligence, and empathetic leadership skills. Based on your unique needs, we'll craft a mix of workshops, group sessions, and individual coaching.

Transformation Journey

Transformation Journey

Engage in one-on-one sessions, group workshops, and ongoing support to implement changes and track progress.

Engage in one-on-one sessions, group workshops, and ongoing support to implement changes and track progress.

Our Unique Approach✨

Our Unique Approach✨

Explore our curated suite of topics designed to elevate leadership effectiveness, enhance team collaboration, and foster personal resilience in the face of change:

Explore our curated suite of topics designed to elevate leadership effectiveness, enhance team collaboration, and foster personal resilience in the face of change:

Master Conflict Resolution: Navigate Disputes with Harmony and Insight

Master Conflict Resolution: Navigate Disputes with Harmony and Insight

Transform conflicts into opportunities for growth and understanding.

Transform conflicts into opportunities for growth and understanding.

Elevate Your Team: Unlock the Power of Advanced Communication

Elevate Your Team: Unlock the Power of Advanced Communication

Forge stronger connections and enhance teamwork through strategic communication.

Forge stronger connections and enhance teamwork through strategic communication.

Lead with Empathy: Inspire Loyalty and Drive Through Understanding

Lead with Empathy: Inspire Loyalty and Drive Through Understanding

Harness the power of empathetic leadership to motivate and retain top talent.

Harness the power of empathetic leadership to motivate and retain top talent.

Empower Unity and Collaboration: Fostering Community and Igniting Passion

Empower Unity and Collaboration: Fostering Community and Igniting Passion

Nurture community, ignite passion, and drive peak performance through unity, innovation, and a shared vision of success.

Nurture community, ignite passion, and drive peak performance through unity, innovation, and a shared vision of success.

Resilient Leadership: Navigating Adversity with Confidence and Agility

Resilient Leadership: Navigating Adversity with Confidence and Agility

Foster resilience, master adaptive decision-making, and lead through adversity with confidence, strength, and strategic agility.

Foster resilience, master adaptive decision-making, and lead through adversity with confidence, strength, and strategic agility.

Empower for Success: Leveraging Individual Strengths for Team Excellence

Empower for Success: Leveraging Individual Strengths for Team Excellence

Maximize team performance by strategically empowering each member's strengths.

Maximize team performance by strategically empowering each member's strengths.

Breaking Barriers: Women Leading with Authenticity and Strength

Breaking Barriers: Women Leading with Authenticity and Strength

Explore how women in leadership break through traditional barriers with authenticity and strength, inspiring a new generation of leaders.

Explore how women in leadership break through traditional barriers with authenticity and strength, inspiring a new generation of leaders.

Cultivate Calm: Strategies to Reduce Stress and Negative Emotions

Cultivate Calm: Strategies to Reduce Stress and Negative Emotions

Learn to navigate the storms of professional pressures with emotional intelligence that soothes stress and transforms negative emotions into positive outcomes.

Learn to navigate the storms of professional pressures with emotional intelligence that soothes stress and transforms negative emotions into positive outcomes.

Our topics are available as workshops, group sessions, or one-on-one consultations, with the flexibility to customize and add topics for a tailored development program that meets your unique needs.

Our topics are available as workshops, group sessions, or one-on-one consultations, with the flexibility to customize and add topics for a tailored development program that meets your unique needs.

Benefits & Outcomes🌈

Benefits & Outcomes🌈

Enhance Teamwork and Collaboration

Enhance Teamwork and Collaboration

Foster a cooperative work environment that promotes connection and commitment among employees, driving towards common goals with unity.

Improve Communication

Improve Communication

Lead by example in promoting empathetic listening and open dialogue, facilitating better teamwork and reducing misunderstandings.

Increase Employee Morale

Increase Employee Morale

Recognize and value each individual's uniqueness, leading to higher self-esteem, job satisfaction, and productivity.

Resolve Workplace Conflict

Resolve Workplace Conflict

Master the art of conflict resolution with a foundation of mutual respect, ensuring your work environment remains positive and collaborative.

Leadership Development

Leadership Development

Inspire and guide your teams with empathy and effectiveness, transforming challenges into opportunities for growth and innovation.

Boost Motivation

Boost Motivation

Cultivate a workplace that celebrates achievements and recognizes hard work, significantly increasing motivation and commitment among your teams.

What people are saying 🗣️

What people are saying 🗣️

Nikolaos S.

Η Νταίζη είναι άψογη επαγγελματίας και συγχρόνως τόσο ζεστός άνθρωπος. Όσοι από την εταιρεία μας συνεργαστήκαν μαζί της ένιωσαν εμπιστοσύνη και βρήκαν έναν σύμμαχο στο πρόσωπό της. Τα σεμινάρια και οι ομαδικές συναντήσεις που κάναμε εβδομαδιαία μας βοήθησαν να κάνουμε θετικές αλλαγές στον τρόπο που εργαζόμαστε και συνεργαζόμαστε.

Alexis P.

Τι κερδίσαμε μέσα από τη συνεργασία μας με την Νταίζη; Θα το πω με λίγα λόγια: αλλάξαμε τον δυσλειτουργικό τρόπο που ερμηνεύαμε τα γεγονότα, μπορέσαμε να ακούσουμε χωρίς εγωισμούς ο ένας τον άλλο, μάθαμε να συνεργαζόμαστε με σεβασμό καθώς και να αξιοποιούμε ο καθένας τα δυνατά του σημεία. Τα workshops και η ομάδες ήταν μια μοναδική ευκαιρία να εξελιχθούμε όλοι, ο καθένας ξεχωριστά και όλοι μαζί σαν ομάδα.

John S.

Το να δουλεύεις με την Νταίζη είναι μια ξεχωριστή εμπειρία. Η κατανόηση που έχει για το πως δουλεύουν οι εταιρείες και οι βαθιές ψυχολογικές της γνώσεις με βοήθησαν να ηγηθώ της ομάδας μου με έναν τελείως διαφορετικό τρόπο από ότι συνήθιζα. Μπόρεσα να καταλάβω τη σημασία της ενθάρρυνσης, την ενσυναίσθησης και της συνεργασίας και αυτό είχε καταπληκτικά αποτελέσματα στην ψυχολογία όλων μας.

Elena B.

Μετά τη συμμετοχή της ομάδας μας στα workshops που οργάνωσε η Νταίζη, άλλαξαν εντελώς οι σχέσεις μεταξύ μας και η συνοχή της ομάδας μας. Μας έδωσε τα εργαλεία για να λύνουμε τις διαφωνίες μας. Με την καθοδήγηση της μπορέσαμε να γίνουμε πραγματική ομάδα.

Miltiadis M.

Η καθοδήγηση της Νταίζης άλλαξε τον τρόπο που εργαζόμαστε. Οι στρατηγικές που προτείνει για την παρακίνηση δώσανε άλλο νόημα και ενέργεια στον τρόπο που τα τμήματα της εταιρείας συνεργάζονται μεταξύ τους. Περάσαμε από τον ανταγωνισμό στον συναγωνισμό. Την ευχαριστώ για το νοιάξιμο και το πάθος της όλο το διάστημα που συνεργαστήκαμε στην εταιρεία! Σε προσωπικό επίπεδο πλέον συνεχίζω τις ατομικές συνεδρίες μαζί της και έχει αλλάξει η σχέση με τον εαυτό μου και την οικογένεια μου.

Leonidas M.

Από τη συνεργασία μου με τη Νταίζη κράτησα την ηρεμία, τη μεταδοτικότητα και το ειλικρινές της ενδιαφέρον για να με διευκολύνει να βελτιώσω τη σχέση με τον εαυτό μου και τους συνεργάτες μου. Με βοήθησε να αποκτήσω μια βαθιά και ουσιαστική κατανόηση του εαυτού μου και των ανθρώπινων σχέσεων με ένα τρόπο ξεκάθαρο που μιλούσε κατευθείαν μέσα μου. Πετύχαμε όλους τους στόχους που είχαμε βάλει στην αρχή της συνεργασίας μας.

Manos P.

Όταν αποφάσισα να εντάξω στην εταιρεία μου ορισμένα από τα workshops και τις ομαδικές συναντήσεις της Νταίζης, η εταιρεία και εγώ προσωπικά σαν CEO περνούσαμε μια πολύ δύσκολη περίοδο και δυσκολευόμουν να διαχειριστώ την πίεση που ένιωθα. Μετά από λίγες βδομάδες, οι συγκρούσεις χωρίς κανένα αποτέλεσμα, έγιναν εποικοδομητικές συναντήσεις που κατέληγαν σε θαρραλέα βήματα δράσης. Η δουλειά που κάναμε με την Νταίζη μας βοήθησε να εξελιχθούμε σε μια δυνατή ομάδα ανθρώπων.

Avraam G.

Αυτό που πραγματικά διαφοροποιεί τη Νταίζη από άλλους ψυχολόγους με τους οποίους είχα συνεργαστεί στο παρελθόν είναι η εξαιρετική της ικανότητα να συνδυάζει επιστημονική γνώση με βαθιά ανθρώπινη ενσυναίσθηση. Η Νταίζη δεν περιορίζεται σε γενικευμένες μεθόδους θεραπείας, αλλά εξερευνά την κάθε περίπτωση με μοναδικότητα, προσαρμόζοντας την προσέγγισή της ανάλογα με τις προσωπικές μου ανάγκες και προκλήσεις. Εκεί όπου άλλοι επαγγελματίες μπορεί να επέμειναν σε τυποποιημένες τεχνικές, η Νταίζη ξεχώρισε διακριτικά, προσφέροντάς μου μια πολύ προσωπική και στοχευμένη θεραπεία, η οποία συνεχίζει να ενισχύει την κατανόηση προς τον εαυτό μου σε βάθος.

Elpida K.

Η Νταίζη είναι υπέροχος άνθρωπος. Μου ενέπνευσε εμπιστοσύνη από την πρώτη μας συνεδρία και με βοήθησε πολύ σε ένα εξαιρετικά δύσκολο θέμα που αντιμετώπιζα.

Frequently Asked Questions🙋‍♀️

Frequently Asked Questions🙋‍♀️

Who should attend these sessions?

Executives, managers, CEOs, and entrepreneurs seeking to elevate their leadership skills, resolve conflicts, and boost team motivation will find our programs particularly beneficial.

What makes your workshops unique?

How are the small group sessions structured?

What support materials are provided post-workshop?

What does the one-on-one mentorship program involve?

Can I enroll in a program if I'm not currently in a leadership position?

How do I choose between the workshop series, growth program, and mentorship?

Got More Questions?

Got More Questions?

Book your Discovery Call now!📞

we can foster courage
to lead effectively.

Book a Call with Daisy

Book a Call with Daisy

we can foster courage
to lead effectively.

Book a Call with Daisy

Book a Call with Daisy

we can foster courage
to lead effectively.

Book a Call with Daisy

Book a Call with Daisy